Case Studies

Case Study - Child Trafficking

Name – Mehboob Shaikh (Name changed)

Age – 10 years

Education – 5th

Address – Village- Parasa, District- Sukol, Bihar.

Type of case – Child Trafficking

One day our staff was from Thane’s office at 7 pm, and he saw a boy aged around – 10 years old board the Khopoli local train from Kalyan station after the Child got down at Ulhasnagar station. Our staff thought he was alone and he needed help then the staff chatted with the child and tried to get some information about him, also gave him social psycho-support, and after some time he told two people to bring him from Bihar to Mumbai for work, but they left him at the railway station and they runway, that’s why he trying to get back his village but he doesn’t understand how to the village and he roaming in Mumbai.

  After that, we took him to the Government Railway Police for further process, in the GRP WPC again inquired to child and got his history of him, after some wpc and our staff took him to a government hospital for a general medical checkup, and at 12:10 am we admitted him at CCI Ulhasnagar for care and protection with the help of GRP staff, next day we produce him in front of Child Welfare Committee. Now we are trying to find out his address and also trying to establish contact with his parent so we can handover him over to his parents as soon as possible, also police searching for those people who bring a child to Mumbai for work.

Name – Faisal Khan (Name Change)

Father Name – Abdul Khan (Name Change)

Mother Name – Shakila Khan (Name Change)

Gender – Male

Education – 4th Dropout

Age – 16 Years

Address – Kathmandu, Nepal.

SEVA and the labour department conducted a raid and rescue operation at the lather factory Ulhasnagar Thane in December, that time we rescued 8 child labourers between the ages of 13 and 17 who were found in the raids. Fiasal also worked in the same factory and he was found working as a seamstress and helper at the said place. After being rescued we talked with Faisal and he said he is from Nepal and one of the known persons brought him to Mumbai for roaming but they placed him to a factory for work, he didn’t want to do any work and he wanted to go back to his native place. Before coming here, Faisal working in that factory for the last six months and before coming to Mumbai he was going to school in Nepal.

Family background- Faisal comes from a poor family background and his family faces many financial problems, for house livelihood only his father earns, also he has two elder sisters and they both are going to school in Nepal. Now Faisal is admitted to the Child care institution (CCI) at Ulhasnagar and we produce him before the Child Welfare Committee.

We are taking continuously follow up with the labour department regarding his compensation amount and also, they are working on it. 

We are trying to reach out to his family in Nepal and also try to send him back to his native place.

Case Study - Preventing Child Marriage

Name of the child – Sneha Mukane (Name changed)

Age – 17 years

Education – 8th (Drop out)

Address – Village- Aware, Tq- Shahapur, District- Thane, Maharashtra.

Type of case – Child Marriage.

We heard about this case during our daily awareness activity at the village, one of our community social worker visited to the above-mentioned village, and she noticed some activity of marriage and she asked the villagers about the same and the villager said I am 27 years old but still I am unmarried and the boy who will marry today his age is only 19 years and girls’ age is just 17 years, after hearing that our CSW immediately call and gave information to our CSA district coordinator, after that, we called to District child protection officer of thane and in one hour our staff, DCPU team, and local police staff reached to the spot and verify the information and stop the child marriage, and took an undertaking from parents that marriage will not happen till the girl is not complete her age of 18 years and boy is not complete age of 21 years.

After that, the Child was produced before the Child Welfare Committee and we took regular follow-up of the child and submitted a report to the CWC, also we are trying to her re-admission to the school.

Case Study - Child Sexual Abuse

Name of the child – Raju Naik (Name changed)

Age – 17 years

Education – 10th

Address – Om Sai Chwal Room no.06, Ambarnath  District- Thane, Maharashtra.

Type of case – Child Sexual Abuse.

We received this case from the Child Welfare Committee as a Support Person, after receiving order from CWC we established contact with the Child’s parents and visited their home in Ambarnath, At that time child was not at home, so we talked with his mother for further details, she gave information as the FIR statement copy and request us to take strict action against the accused, also she said their neighbors and relative all know about the incident, that’s why they feel very embracing and also Raju (Name changed) feel very scared, after that, we did counseling of child’s mother, also we gave all information about our social psycho support intervention to them also we shared our contact number’s with them,

  On 2nd visit, we had counseling of the child and tried to feel relax him, but he said he didn’t want to go to school because of the incident, after some time we convinced him for school and told importance of education. We need to more visit to his home.