Child Care & Protection

Child Care & Protection

Child marriage remains a grave social issue in India, depriving millions of young girls of their childhood and potential. Committed to bringing about social change, KSCF NGO launched the Child Marriage Free India Campaign.

Child marriage continues to be a pressing concern in India, with UNICEF estimating that 27% of girls are married before the age of 18. Early marriage robs girls of their right to education, health, and a life of their choosing. It perpetuates a cycle of poverty and gender inequality, impacting the overall development of communities. Seva NGO recognized the urgent necessity to break this cycle and empower girls to lead fulfilling lives.

The Child Marriage Free India Campaign ignited a wave of awareness and activism across the nation. Seva NGO’s grassroots approach ensured engagement with local communities, religious leaders, and influencers to address cultural norms and challenge age-old customs.

The campaign began with workshops and awareness drives, highlighting the adverse effects of child marriage on girls’ physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. The NGO collaborated with schools and educational institutions to promote education as a powerful tool to combat this social menace.

The impact of Seva NGO’s Child Marriage Free India Campaign was transformative. As awareness spread, communities came together to challenge the norms perpetuating child marriage. Young girls and their families were inspired to stand up against early marriages, recognizing the value of education and the potential for a brighter future.