Child Education

Child Education

All children, particularly girls from poor and disadvantaged families, access and complete education from pre-primary to secondary levels, thus realizing their right to inclusive and quality education. However, the realities reflect inequitable access to Early Childhood Education; poor learning outcomes in early grades, which leads to learning deficits; discriminative social norms, gender-stereotyped curriculum, and lack of an inclusive, protective environment within the schools. To address these barriers and to ensure all children, particularly vulnerable girls from excluded communities, realize their right to an inclusive and quality education, Plan India has taken a multipronged approach which includes:

  • Increase technical capability and early childhood education funding.
  • Improve capability for providing on-site support to teachers and school administration.
  • Pilot social innovations in gender-sensitive curriculum and pedagogy both in and out of the classroom.
  • Improve technical skills in mobilizing and promoting education among females (who have dropped out, are irregularly enrolled, or have never enrolled).
  • We are creating gender-sensitive Child Protection and SRH program convergence models.
  • Persuade governments and donors to spend more on girls’ education.