Sexual Reproductive Health

Sexual Reproductive Health

The stigma associated with sex and sexuality ensures that such issues never enter public discourse; a lack of comprehensive sexuality education, inaccessibility and lack of knowledge around contraception, erroneous sex education culminating in unhealthy sexual practices, and reproductive ill-health are significant issues plaguing youth. This, in turn, leads to early marriages, early pregnancies, and severe health problems among vulnerable females. 

Our Sexual Reproductive Health program strives to encourage girls to become change agents, making educated decisions about their sexuality, life goals, and reproductive health, and enjoying their Sexual Reproductive Health Rights.

Building the capacity of families and communities in Sexual Reproductive Health allows them to assist their children better and assess the quality of SRH services. Second, increasing the ability of families and communities to understand the needs of girls better and help them realize their rights, as well as monitor the quality of SRH services.

  • Provide Children and Youth with Comprehensive Sex Education
  • Creating awareness about common misunderstandings regarding HIV infection and transmission, as well as prevention via educated choices
  • Parent and caregiver capacity training on fundamental SRHR concerns, as well as communication with their children about SRH
  • Collaborate with communications professionals, public personalities, youth, and journalists to launch a social media campaign to promote public awareness about SRH.
  • Building the capacity of community health volunteers, peer educators, and instructors in SRHR
  • Influence and assist state and district governments in establishing menstrual hygiene management in development and emergencies.